About Us
The Alde and Ore Association is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Registered Charity No. 1154583) whose aims are "To preserve and protect for the public benefit the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers and their banks from Shingle Street to their tidal limits and such of the land adjoining them or upstream as may be considered to affect them together with the features of beauty and of historic or public interest in the area.”
It is the only member driven organisation, in the Alde and Ore area, with these objectives, working under the banner of Your Voice - Your Estuary. Whether you are a resident or visitor to this area, whether you are a fisherman, sailor, birdwatcher, golfer, rider or just come to enjoy the culture at Snape, we would encourage you to join the Association and help us ensure that this remains a unique part of the English landscape. (See our Membership page)
The valley of the River Alde has always been an essential part of the Suffolk coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the estuary is protected by a number of national and international designations, with some of the most significant coastal marshland sites for birds and flora in Europe. It is this beguiling spot which the Alde & Ore Association is determined to protect and preserve.
The area is fragile, depending on sea and river walls for protection; a failure of these walls would catastrophically change the area for ever. The Association has long campaigned for the maintenance of the defences and recently was instrumental in the formation of the Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership (now the Alde and Ore Community Partnership), a ground breaking initiative bringing together local interests and national bodies such as the Environment Agency. The Association is a voting Partner, ensuring that it is closely involved in the work to protect the Estuary.
The Association is active in other areas too: in opposing inappropriate development in the land surrounding the estuary, ensuring public footpaths are maintained and sponsoring the Butley Ferry which runs during the summer months with volunteer oarsmen. We organise regular walks and a summer barbeque for the members to meet.
To find out how to join the Association, please click here.
To view/download the Alde & Ore Association's Constitution, please click here.
To view/download the Alde & Ore Association's Privacy Policy, please click here.
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