Would you like to help with redshank Surveys in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which includes the Alde and Ore Estuary)?
The redshank was selected as the flagship species to represent the Coast and Heaths AONB by various environmental partners last September (details can be found here.
The AONB has received funding from Natural England to run a redshank awareness campaign this spring, 2021. This will involve putting up some redshank signs and helping AONB visitors understand about redshank and how not to disturb them when out enjoying the countryside.
If anyone who wishes to help put signs up, raise awareness or distribute leaflets then please contact Alex Moore on alex.mooredaluz@suffolk.gov.uk or on mobile 07734 967782.
Or would you like to help with swifts nesting?
Suffolk Coast and Heaths have partnered with the Suffolk Bird Group and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and are currently looking for suitable sites in the AONB to install swift boxes and callers.
If you would be interested in providing homes for swifts, please contact Alex Moore on alex.mooredaluz@suffolk.gov.uk or on mobile 07734 967782.
Swifts have declined by 45% in the UK in just under 20 years and they desperately need help.